ZeroMQ Application
March 29, 2024Less than 1 minute
In this unit, we used Octave, Python, and GNU Radio to create applications related to ZeroMQ. In fact, the transmitter and receiver can freely choose specific software, and the communication mode can also vary according to the application. In addition to the commonly used communication modes such as "Request/Reply" (REQ/REP) and "Publish/Subscribe" (PUB/SUB), there is also one called "Push/Pull" (PUSH/PULL), which can be mainly used to achieve load balancing and task distribution.
Please review the content learned in this unit and complete the following exercises.
Exercise 4
- Look up the communication mode related to "Push/Pull" (PUSH/PULL) and explain how to implement its architecture using ZeroMQ.
- Imagine a project design that uses ZeroMQ to implement a distributed communication system, and explain its possible architecture and application scenarios.