Given a signal s(t) with period P, as mentioned earlier, it can be expanded into a Fourier series:
an=P2∫−P/2P/2s(t)cos(P2πnt) dt
bn=P2∫−P/2P/2s(t)sin(P2πnt) dt
Concept of Coordinates
In fact, cos(2πnt/P) and sin(2πnt/P) can be considered as orthogonal vectors in the interval [0,P], with all non-zero vectors forming a basis. The coefficients an and bn can be considered as a set of coordinates of the function s(t) under this basis, and the values of an and bn are the projections of s(t) on each basis vector, or the results of the inner product.
Using Euler's formula
and converting the cos and sin functions into complex form, we get the complex form of the Fourier series:
f0=P1, cn=P1∫−P/2P/2s(t)e−j2πnf0tdt
Concept of Coordinates
In fact, {e−j2πnf0t,n∈Z} can be considered as orthogonal vectors in the interval [0,P], forming a basis. The coefficient cn can be considered as a set of coordinates of the function s(t) under this basis, and the value of cn is the projection of s(t) on each basis vector, or the result of the inner product.
Letting the period P of s(t) go to infinity, s(t) can be seen as an aperiodic function. The frequency interval between Fourier series terms 1/P approaches 0, becoming a continuous spectrum. This leads to the derivation of the Fourier transform pair for s(t):
where s(t) can be seen as the time domain form of the signal, and S(f) as the frequency domain form. The Fourier transform pair is a tool for converting between time and frequency domains. Typically, the Fourier transform of s(t) is written as F{s(t)}=S(f), and the inverse Fourier transform of S(f) is written as F−1{S(f)}=s(t).
The convolution of s1(t) and s2(t) is defined as
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