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Euler's Formula

Jia-YinLess than 1 minutecomm

On the circumference of a unit circle, a point rotating at a constant speed can have its angle considered linear, written as ωt\omega t. According to trigonometric functions, the point's horizontal coordinate is cos(ωt)\cos(\omega t), and its vertical coordinate is sin(ωt)\sin(\omega t). Therefore, in the complex plane, the position of this point can be represented as follows:

cos(ωt)+jsin(ωt) \cos(\omega t) + j \sin(\omega t)

According to Euler's formula,

ejωt=cos(ωt)+jsin(ωt) e^{j\omega t} = \cos(\omega t) + j \sin(\omega t)

Thus, the position of the point can also be written as ejωte^{j\omega t}; meaning ejωte^{j\omega t} represents a signal point rotating at a constant angular velocity of ω\omega.

If we replace ω\omega with ω-\omega in Euler's formula and use it together with the above, we can perform some simple calculations to arrive at the following formulas:

cos(ωt)=ejωt+ejωt2 \cos(\omega t) = \frac{e^{j\omega t}+e^{-j\omega t}}{2}

sin(ωt)=ejωtejωt2j \sin(\omega t) = \frac{e^{j\omega t}-e^{-j\omega t}}{2j}

In other words, both cos(ωt)\cos(\omega t) and sin(ωt)\sin(\omega t) can be seen as the composition of two rotating waves at a constant speed, one being 12ejωt\frac12 e^{j\omega t} and the other being 12ejωt\frac12 e^{-j\omega t}.

If we can determine the rates of rotation of the two waves through sampling, we can determine the angular velocity of cos(ωt)\cos(\omega t) and sin(ωt)\sin(\omega t).